Baking History

A Taste For The Past


The Past always fascinated me more than any other point in time: I find that trying old recipes is a way to travel back in time and have a glimpse of how sweet life could be so long ago.

10 Responses to “About”

  1. Ab+ said

    Bella l’ idea di raccogliere in un blog ricette “d’ antan”, bellissimo vederle realizzate (cosa non scontata). Complimenti!!!

  2. bakinghistory said

    Ciao Ab+! Grazie!! 🙂

  3. Chiara said

    Sito davvero interessante, l’ho salvato in preferiti! Ricette affascinanti…un viaggio gastronomico indietro nel tempo, che bello poter provare e assaggiare sapori ‘antichi’. Grazie per aver convertito le misure; è più facile mi cimento da un po’ di tempo con ricette americane e non è sempre facile trovare le dosi giuste.

    La bibbia della mia Bisnonna era l’Artusi …

    Continua così!

  4. bakinghistory said

    Grazie Chiara! 🙂 In questi ricettari d’altri tempi si trovano spesso delle vere gemme che vale davvero la pena di riproporre. Una delle cose che mi affascinano di piu’ e’ trovare, poi, sfogliando, note scritte a margine, o ritagli di vecchi giornali che le (spesso anonime) proprietarie di quei libri avevano conservato. L’Artusi in particolare poi mi e’ caro e tutte le sue ricette hanno per me il sapore di “casa”.

  5. alexis said

    I love love love your blog. I am writing a tea blog and trying to put together a list of recipes with tea as an ingredient-can you recommend any?

  6. bakinghistory said

    @ Alexis: Hi! There are many recipes here that are just perfect for tea: in the Pies and Tarts Category for example the Italian Jam Tart, The Semolina Tart, the cinnamon Tartlets and the Apple Cake; in the Cookies Bars and Biscotti Category: the Amaretti (Italian-Style Almond macaroons), the Ovis Mollis and the Chinese Almond Cakes. These are all excellent with tea.

  7. alexis said

    Thanks for visiting my blog and adding me to your blog roll-I will do the same. Thank you so much for giving suggestions for recipes for baked goods to enjoy with tea-they sound delicious. I really appreciate it and will post the recipes soon. I will look through some recipes and post some tea suggestions soon!

  8. bakinghistory said

    @ Alexis: Thank you. Actually I just realized you had asked about recipes containing tea as an ingredient. I actually do have one that might be interesting. I’ll look it up and let you know.

  9. Raaga said

    I don’t know how I landed here… but I;ve fallen in love with your blog.

  10. bakinghistory said

    @ Raaga: Thank you so much!

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