Baking History

A Taste For The Past

Cinnamon Wafers

Posted by bakinghistory on December 14, 2007


Thin, delicate, crunchy wafers flavored by a good touch of cinnamon–excellent to have with coffee or hot chocolate

This is my entry for the “Think Spice…” monthly blog event hosted by Sunita. This month theme is Cinnamon cinnamonlogo1.png

Cinnamon is one of my favorites among spices, for its warm and comforting aroma. In fact, in early Italian herbals it is said that cinnamon was, among other things, good to make one’s heart strong and happy.

From the original recipe by Oscar Tschirky

in “The Cook Book by “Oscar” of the Waldorf”, 1896–USA


6 oz (3/4 cup–170 g) finely powdered sugar (granulated sugar powdered in a coffee grinder)

8 oz (2 cups–230 g) AP flour

1/2 oz (2 heaping tbsp–15 g) ground cinnamon

6 oz (12 tbsp–170 g) butter, melted and cooled

1 egg

10 tbsp–150 ml whole milk (or as needed)

butter for the iron

To make these wafers you need a pizzelle or wafer iron, either electric or stovetop (I used a stovetop pizzelle iron) and 2-3 racks on which to place the cookies to cool.

Sift together the powdered sugar, cinnamon and flour. Add the melted butter and the well beaten egg. Mix well and add the milk, one tbsp at a time. The dough is ready when it has the consistency of drop cookies dough–it has to be scooped by the tablespoon on the hot pizzelle iron. Butter the hot iron plates at first, but then the amount of butter in the dough will make it unnecessary to continue to do so, the wafers come off the iron plates very easily. Each side takes no more than 30 seconds to cook. Place each wafer on a rack (they will harden and crisp while they cool). As soon as they cool place them in an airtight container.

6 Responses to “Cinnamon Wafers”

  1. Susan said

    Fantastic! Makes me want to run out and buy a pizzelle iron

  2. sunita said

    Wow!!!Those are some lovely wafers…thanks for sending them over.

  3. eliza said

    what a nice pizzelle cookies! i adore and love to eat these cookies too. good choice!

  4. bakinghistory said

    @ Susan: Absolutely! 🙂

    @ Sunita: Thank you for hosting this event which celebrates the wonders of spices! 🙂

    @ Eliza: thanks! they are indeed very good, they last only a few hours after they are made because we cannot stop eating them! 🙂

  5. Chiara said

    Devo assolutamente procurarmi lo stampo per le cialde! Grazie come sempre per proporre le tue fantastiche ricette; colgo l’occasione per augurare a te e alla tua famiglia uno splendido Natale.

  6. bakinghistory said

    @ Chiara

    Grazie, buone feste anche a te e alla tua famiglia 🙂

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